Vitamin D & Corona Virus

Vitamin D & Corona Virus
Vitamin D supplementation is associated with lower incidence of respiratory tract infections.

Scientific research has shown that a large number of patients who die from the Corona Virus suffer from vitamin D deficiency. It’s deficiency also causes joint pain, knee and back pain, tooth loss and mental weakness.

Vitamin D is produced when sunlight falls directly on our skin. Exposing your skin to the sun from behind a window glass does not help you get it because the glass blocks the ultraviolet B (UVB) in the sun, which is needed to make vitamin D. Tissue spots on the skin also reduce the formation of vitamin D as they prevent UVB from reaching the skin.

The amount of vitamin D we get from exposure to the sun depends on how long the skin has been exposed to the sun. To get more vitamin D, it is best to sunbath large areas (such as arms, legs, and legs) for a short time, rather than exposing small areas of your skin (such as the face and hands) to direct sunlight for long periods of time.
For most people, exposing their hands, face and arms to the sun for 5 to 15 minutes two to three times a week during the summer months is enough to maintain vitamin D levels. People with darker complexions need to be exposed to the sun longer. Winter sunshine is usually mild. You may need to stay in the sun longer in winter to maintain the same level of vitamins in your body

Some foods naturally contain vitamin D, such as oily fish (such as salmon, sardines, tuna), egg yolks, liver, milk and dairy products, soymilk, etc. But the best source is direct sunlight. Using these foods helps you get vitamin D; However, it is difficult to get enough vitamin D from food alone.

Make outdoor activities a routine. Bringing your arms, hands and face to the sun for a short time each day during outdoor activities helps the body produce vitamin D. Parents should take infants in the sun on the patio or terrace for a short time each day, so that sunlight falls on their head, arms and legs.

It is noticed from the on-going researches taking place across the globe in order to curb out the menace of novel Corona Virus that your most trusted ally against this disease is your immune system. The vitamins and minerals in your body keep your immunity levels at stable points. Therefore it is imperative for us to take care of our bodies.

The outbreak of Corona Virus is stressful for people. Fear and anxiety about a disease can be overwhelming and
cause strong emotions in adults and children. It can take emotional toll on you, and you may experience secondary traumatic stress. Secondary traumatic stress is stress reactions and symptoms resulting from exposure to another individual’s traumatic experiences, rather than from exposure directly to a traumatic event.

Therefore, we must train ourselves in a way that we take minimum stress as it kills our immunity and makes us prone more to diseases. Human will is the most important weapon against any disease, If you back yourself and prepare yourself to fight come what may, then this approach will boost your immunity and help you stay mentally healthy as well.

Also Read: COVID-19: The Essentials Of Social Distancing

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Rabia Aslam
An entrepreneur who enjoys writing, traveling, good food and laughing at her own jokes. She has a penchant for writing, all the time.