Superstition Superstition Go Away!!!The Evil Superstition In Our Society


Ali come back!!come back I am saying!!why are you not listening to me?i told you many times that don’t go near the tree at night but you always go and play there!!

Oo Sundus you are here! Was talking about you the moment you entered, bari lambi Umer paye hai mashallah!!!

Sara!! How many times I have asked you not to walk over your younger brother, his growth will stop!!

All such lines are very common and we all have heard them many times especially from our mother or from elders. What are these? Are these things happens in reality?
They are called superstitions.Now let’s look into what these superstitions are.


Superstitions have come a long way in history and many civilisation that existed on the planet had something common in them; these superstitions were a crucial part of their cultures.


The word superstition are the beliefs that result from ignorance and fear of the unknown. They are present in mostly every society whether literate or illiterate. They are the false practices and are due to the false interpretations of the natural events. They are cultural and traditional believes that mould the thoughts and actions of society. Even in this fascinating era of technology, people are still bewildered by them, many such false believes hinder our progress and development of mind as well.

In our Pakistani society we have a lot such baseless beliefs or myths which people blindly follow, let’s have a look of few of them.

1.Sweeping in the evening

It is said that sweeping the floor in evening time brings bad luck. Another false believe related to seeping in the evening is it sweeps away “rizq” from home.

However, these superstitions only create phobias but the people in our society have strong faith in them.They just attach the consequences by the power of their believes.

2. Cat Crossing your way

Crossing your path by a black cat is one prominent superstition that exists even in the educated community.It sometimes proves right because of firm belief of people, who then link bad things up with this widespread superstition.With these superstitions people predict the future but we should not forget that good and bad fortunes come from ALLAH and no one else.

3. Milk After Fish

One more very common superstition is we drink milk after eating fish it will cause Vitilago. This is a disease which causes white patches on skin. But actually it is a fact that Vitilago is caused after eating some specific kind not from every fish you eat.

4.The crow

This is a very common and the ancient belief that when the crow is cawing it is an indication of arrival of the guests . So next time when the crow is at your roof top, start your preparation to serve the guests.

5. Itchy Palms

It is believed that when your palms are itching it brings money to the person.If this would have been true many of us would have become a millionaire!

6. Crossing Fingers

Crossing of fingers at the moment of trouble helps in avoiding bad luck or to ensure that good news will come our way.This superstition is very common among teenagers.This phrase”let’s keep our fingers crossed”has become a routine phrase nowadays.

7. Sneeze to remember

Sneezes are thought to be the fact that the person is being remembered by someone. So if you are sneezing more than one time, grab your car keys and search for the person who is remembering you.

8.Twitching Of Left eye

It is believed that when your left eyelid twitches something bad is going to happen.I wonder what will happen when the right one will twitch???

9.Eat Bananas and get cured

It is believed that If you eat only one banana, you will have constipation. So you must eat two.
So next time if you have only one banana left throw it or wait for your dad to bring another one.

10. Breaking glassware accidentally

It is believed that when accidentally a glassware is broken this is to avoid a bad luck.Until next time When your maasi breaks your favourite cup and informs you, be happy that you are lucky to have avoided bad luck.

They don’t make much sense, but they’re still quite funny and I do accept that superstitions are irrational beliefs but how to get rid of them is impossible. It is really interesting to know how these mysterious baseless superstitions control our minds and lives.

Think beyond them, get a life!!

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Syeda Sundeela fayyaz has a masters in microbiology. She is a freelance writer, blogger and a story teller. She is working with the leading newspaper Dawn as a  freelance writer. She is in an editorial and research team of an educational magazine. Moreover, she is working with an environmental magazine and few of the  women centric magazines. She is a regular storyteller.