Letter to Maryam Nawaz

Maryam please just come clean
Maryam please just come clean

Dear Ms. Maryam Nawaz Sharif! I am not sure if the present win for the Senate Chairmanship by the government was a “broad daylight robbery”. However, I do understand that hypocrisy is steeped in the Pakistani political culture. I hope that the senators who came to have dinner with Bilawal Bhutto Zardari and yet voted for the government enjoyed their food.

Maryam, you seem to have such a narrow field of vision that you are incapable of looking at anything but from your personal perspective. You ask the Pakistani nation to look at 2018 elections in view of senate defeat today (despite an opposition majority), completely ignoring the fact that some of those opposition senators may not have been happy with this move.

To you, this situation is nothing but 2+2=4. Well, Maryam, you should also tell the Pakistani nation how your family managed to increase their assets by 50 to 100 FOLD whilst in power, while the rest of Pakistan was only growing at a meagre 2-5%. When it comes to this, Maryam, you have no problem in accepting 2+2=22.

You said “forgery has to be erased one day”. You seem to have forgotten that you are convicted under that very charge…forgery. One can argue you did not trust the judicial system, but you could have easily proven to the public by releasing dates/proof when your London based lawyers had downloaded that version of Calibri which they had used to put together your trust deed. But you never did that and you keep expecting the public to take your word for it. Are you really that naive? Probably not. But you are very far from reality.

Desperate Measures?

Like father like daughter, an apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. NAB asked questions but no answer, foreigners pumped billions into a company and then transferred in your name and you say on twitter nothing found? The court asked your father how he bought the London flats, for one year but no answer, rotting in jail but won’t say where the money came from. Are these the values you are passing on to the coming generations?

Maryam please just come clean, like Imran Khan and Aleema did in front of the court and public. Take a cue from your jailed father; there is a lesson in it. Frankly, Maryam you enjoy a dubious distinction and you are in a league unlike any other Pakistani.

A daughter of a disgraced, thrice ousted PM, who was found to be incompetent and corrupt each time, finally convicted along with you, both sent to prison. You have proven your talent at forgery and fraud, deceit, lies and fabrications. Your credibility is next to zero. Anything you say, has to be either shrugged off or considered highly questionable at best,

When you’ve established a track record of concealing the truth, making up lies, producing fake documents, fabricating stories to cover your crimes, denials and yet challenge the system which found you guilty on all counts, there is only one thing left for a dignified person would do: Confess your sins, ask for pardon, pay for your crimes and restitution and perhaps, just perhaps, the courts will be lenient and people may forgive you.

Until then, lying to cover up previous lies, does not bode well for you!


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Ali Sulehria is the Staff Writer of Express Tribune. His writing has appeared in Hubpages.com, The Huffington Post, and various Pakistani publications. He continues to keep one eye on the publishing world. He is a Political and Sports journalist with a penchant for writing, all the time. A business grad who enjoys writing, traveling, good food and laughing at his own jokes. Contact: sulehria.ali@gmail.com