Ladakh Debacle


India’s recent clash with China has begun to change not only the region but also the world political landscape.

There may be a ceasefire between India and China, but the humiliation at the hands of the Chinese in Ladakh has left deep scars on the souls of Indians. It also revealed the fact that India’s political and military leadership has neither the capacity nor the political will to fight China. In this age India has poked a very different China, which has aggressively adopted politics and diplomacy and sticks to its position.

In the Gallwan Valley of Ladakh, China has occupied an area of 60 square kilometers and not only refuses to return to its old position, but also claims sovereignty over more territory. Simply put, the territory that China has occupied in recent days will not be handed back through negotiations or diplomacy. Normal relations between the two countries are unlikely to be restored. However, it is likely that India will move closer to anti-US and anti-China allies.

India always had ill-intentions against China but did not come out openly. Things are changing now. India has defense deals with Australia that directly affect China’s security. India has also become a member of the executive board of the United Nations World Health Organization, which is under pressure to investigate whether China has been negligent or reluctant in exchanging information on the Corona Virus with the world body. Like Indian Prime Minister today, Narendra Modi, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru also enjoyed wave of popularity in the sixties. He was winning elections, commanding masses and emerged as India’s supreme leader after Gandhi.

Minor skirmishes with China in Ladakh soon turned into a regular war. India was defeated and China humiliatingly declared a unilateral ceasefire. Nehru also lost popularity and lost in elections. Grief proved fatal to his health. Nehru tried to save his neck by slapping Defense Minister Krishna Menon from his office, who was also his close colleague. Opposition right-wing political parties and active sections of society were unwilling to forgive Nehru after Indian embarrassment at the hands of China. Even Nehru began to fear his shadow. He became politically weak. He lost grip on power. Physically, Nehru turned pale. Two years later, the defeated Nehru passed away.

Modi who used to smack his chest like a wrestler. Threatening Pakistan. Claiming a surgical strike. Received praises for fake air strikes on Balakot. In the name of teaching Pakistan a lesson, Modi won the election and secured a two-thirds majority. With the help of US President Donald Trump and the pawning of US-sponsored global politics, the Modi government gained unnecessary self-confidence. It had no idea of the cost of becoming an American stooge against China.

Hostility with neighbors is always a losing proposition. Not only politicians but also the Sangh Pari War is questioning Narendra Modi’s understanding of politics and the complexities of international relations. Not only anti-Modi politicians but also true patriots are questioning whether the Indian government is capable of safeguarding the country’s security and geographical unity? Besides, anti-China sentiments are on the rise inside India. The campaign to boycott Chinese products is also gaining momentum.

There are plans to block Chinese investment in India. In particular, it is said that the Internet or 5G infrastructure will not be allowed to be built or obstructed. Congress and BJP Rival political parties have also drawn their swords and are asking how China occupied Indian Territory? Twenty soldiers were killed and the Indian Prime Minister could do nothing but issue statements, claiming nothing happened.

Economic conditions were already deteriorating. The growth rate was steadily declining. However, corona virus dented it even further. The crisis that began with China has also eroded political and military supremacy which India were deceitfully claiming. Circumstances also encouraged anti-government politicians to take the BJP government by storm. Congress leader Rahul Gandhi said: it is not Narendra Modi, it is Surrender Modi. Leading Indian defense analyst Brahma Chelini wrote in the Japan Times, Modi had gone too far in favor of China. He thought that in this way he would bring relations with China to new heights and succeed in weakening its relations with Pakistan.

To appease China, the Modi government also announced the end of official relations with the exiled Tibetan leader, Dalai Lama, but could not win China’s trust. Modi twisted diplomacy around himself and weakened the institutions and India endured failure. It is too early to say that the BJP government is on the verge of collapse, but Modi’s bravery, courage and diplomatic skills have been shattered. The bogus charm of his nationalistic doctrine is fading. People now question what happened to the war with China? Why didn’t the US come to India’s aid? China and Pakistan got closer. Now China is also talking about Ladakh and Gilgit-Baltistan. Let’s wait what future holds for the region and for BJP.

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Ali Sulehria is the Staff Writer of Express Tribune. His writing has appeared in, The Huffington Post, and various Pakistani publications. He continues to keep one eye on the publishing world. He is a Political and Sports journalist with a penchant for writing, all the time. A business grad who enjoys writing, traveling, good food and laughing at his own jokes. Contact: