Iran Vows Revenge


Thanks Trump. Just when we thought that we had only joblessness, poor economy and climate change to contend with, you have gone ahead and ensured that oil prices too go through the roof. Nice start to the decade, chap. Americans are making a joke out of something that will kill millions here in the Middle East. And this is one of those occasions where Pakistan shouldn’t go and try resolving issues, just keep a distance.

Iran General Qassem Suleimani killed in Baghdad drone strike ordered by Trump, puts Pakistan in an incredibly difficult position given the potential for escalation of violence at our doorstep, how to react officially, and the impact on oil prices. Pakistan probably asks UAE & KSA first before any reaction to this incident! Last day UAE had provided financial assistance to us, how can we bite the hands those are feeding? Pakistan’s foreign policy is at its worst due to economic conditions.

There are many Shias in Pakistan that draw their strength and solidarities from the regime in Iran. They might not be funded by Iran but they are very sympathetic to Iran’s foreign policy especially vis-à-vis. Lebanon, Israel, Palestine and of course Syria and Iraq. You can be rest assured that there will be protests against this killing and those protests will be aimed against the USA and its allies. But that is not where they stop. Iraq and Syria are home to Shiisms holiest sites.

Iran’s foreign policy in the Middle East (headed by Soleimani) were seen as ensuring the sanctity and protection of these holy sites. This is partly how Iran’s foreign policy adventures are justified For many Shias. American aggression in the holy spaces reminiscent of the invasion of Iraq in 2003. Back then American aggression was off-set by the fact that Saddam was bas enough as it is for Shia visitors to the holy shrines in Iraq. Today the shrines are controlled and run by Iran proxies and this isn’t necessarily seen as a bad thing.

This attack would be read by some sections of the population as almost an attack on the shrines/attack on the protectors of the shrine. Conflicts in the Middle East are often quickly paralleled by sectarian conflicts which are effectively proxy wars here in Pakistan. 99-2008 are some of the bloodiest years in terms of sectarian violence. Of course there are many other factors to this but mobilized angry Shias are never received well both by the establishment and the Sunni majority.Drums of War

Whatever this brings, I hope we’re all able to hold onto each other and stand together rather than apart. There’s chaos coming. I pray we are all able to protect each other and see each other’s humanity.

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Ali Sulehria is the Staff Writer of Express Tribune. His writing has appeared in, The Huffington Post, and various Pakistani publications. He continues to keep one eye on the publishing world. He is a Political and Sports journalist with a penchant for writing, all the time. A business grad who enjoys writing, traveling, good food and laughing at his own jokes. Contact: