Hamid Mir Must Look Beyond The Envelope


Mr.Mir wanted to be a celebrity on the back of the Government by indirectly blaming somebody, he is not serving anybody except his ego and motivation to be popular. Mr. Mir, democracy dies in darkness.

In no part of world a prisoner can give live or routine interview to press or media. Mr. Mir, the country does not want to hear this nonsense when so-called journalists like you defend ill-gotten wealth of thugs and give space to them so they can glorify themselves while sitting on national television. Let these crooks observe law of the land for once.

A drama orchestrated by GEO. This is called propaganda politics, these media houses leave no chance of maligning the government. This kind of massive disinformation channeled through paid politicians, paid journalists, is synonymous to betrayal with the motherland and its people.

Sindh’s Mr 10 Per Cent

Hamid Mir Sahab, you are all too eager to air criminals but not their crimes over decades. Now you want to help them by giving them space on national platform and letting them play their sympathy card. Who are you working for?

Media in Pakistan has not matured even now. It has become a trend to telecast exciting news for their own ratings. Mr Mir, needs to manage his ego. Perhaps he believes that he is so big that national security institutions are required to take him out. Such a delusional behavior is not good for anyone.

People and especially elected officials who have billions of dollars’ worth of corruption charges should not be allowed to speak publicly. Hamid Mir talks about freedom but a country who keeps giving these looters and thieves a platform to speak from will never be free. This would have been same as Altaf Hussain giving hate speeches from UK, therefore it doesn’t make any sense to stage an interview unless personal gains are not involved.

Mir’s defiance should be looked in concert with PTI’s government’s rebuttal of political victimization through NAB. If one looks at opposition’s criticism of Pakistani institutions, our LEA’s, it is clear as to what is going on. Mir thinks he is bigger than Pakistan and people and their wishes do not matter. His and Geo’s stand towards security forces without any proof or evidence is not very intelligent. If Mr. Mir or Geo has any evidence then make it public otherwise stop.

In my humble view, Mr. Mir is seeking attention, Geo is seeking eyeballs and in the process they are willing to go to any length. I am baffled by his tactics such as pitting participants of the shows against each other, fueling anti-state sentiments without his own opinion on the matter, being in friendly contact with the terrorists. I don’t see him a savvy journalist, just an anchor who is motivated by personal and his media house’s agenda.

Moreover, Interviewing Asif Ali Zardari was wrong, which Mr. Hamid Mir / Geo did. Now they want to do it again, a person accused of massive frauds & criminal activities. There is no point raising hell & fury and talk about press freedom when you are staging anti state activities and maligning the government, misleading the people and targeting state institutions by giving space to an accused, who could be subject to creating anarchy and unrest among the masses.

It is convoluted & illogical way of thinking that If Zardari has to defend himself, he should do so in court of law, not on national television / Mr. Mir should not disrepute media by facilitating public defense of those accused of crimes.

Next articleTerror Financing Charges Against Hafiz Saeed
Ali Sulehria is the Staff Writer of Express Tribune. His writing has appeared in Hubpages.com, The Huffington Post, and various Pakistani publications. He continues to keep one eye on the publishing world. He is a Political and Sports journalist with a penchant for writing, all the time. A business grad who enjoys writing, traveling, good food and laughing at his own jokes. Contact: sulehria.ali@gmail.com


  1. a good piece, Mir has always been an attention seeker in my opinion. He always passes some sensational comments on TV shows to get that level of attention. Just listen to his last few weeks shows and he’s been promoting anti state sentiments. He should be made to learn some lessons in his very own tone and style I guess. Giving a platform to a most corrupt person in the history of this country to justify his crimes and present his own side of case and pressurise the investigating personnels and authorities should actually be treated as criminal act.

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