Google Presents New World Map without Palestine


Gaza / Occupied Jerusalem: Google, the world’s largest search engine, has erased Palestine from the world map, and the new map shows Palestine geographically part of Israel.

Google has erased the name of Palestine on the new world map. Since July 25, 2016, Google has released a new map of Palestine’s historical and geographical location, in which Palestine does not even exist. If you type Palestine in the Google search bar, you will see Israel instead of Palestine, and the borders of Gaza and Palestine will be shown as part of Israel, which has caused great anger among the Palestinian people.

Social activist Zac Martin has launched a series of online petitions against Google’s move, calling on Google to show Palestine on a world map, while calling for Palestine to be shown on a world map. Erasing is tantamount to playing on the emotions of millions of people there, whether Google did it on purpose or for some other reason. However, it is clear that Google is participating in the Israeli government’s conspiracy to genocide Palestine. The petition calls on the public to sign the petition online and send a message to Google that the Israeli government is occupying Palestinian land, so that Palestinian state can be represented again on the world map.

The online petition has so far received millions of signatures, with Palestinian journalists calling Google’s move a failed attempt to support Israel and saying Google’s goal is to distort Palestine’s historical status and geography.

On the other hand, the hashtag (PalestineIsHere) is gaining popularity on the social networking site Twitter, in which millions of people have so far expressed their views, while the hashtag “Boycott Google” Tags are also becoming the most popular trend.

It should be noted that Palestine was granted non-member observer status by the United Nations in November 2012, in which 130 countries voted in favor, while Israel and its ally the United States opposed Palestine and 41 countries voted against.