Coronavirus Symptoms & Precautions


The world is shaken and everyone is threatened with the outbreak of a Novel coronavirus, which has started from the People’s Republic of China and  has now killed many people alone in China.

Cases have also been confirmed in several countries in the Asia-Pacific region as well as Europe and North America.

So far, over 2,700 deaths have been confirmed from coronavirus in the world and over 81,000 others have been infected.

And now it has reached pakistan too. Two cases Of  the novel coronavirus have been confirmed, one each in Karachi and Islamabad and   both the patients had travelled to Iran recently.

The satisfactory thing is that both the  cases are being taken care of according to clinical standard protocols and  both of them are stable.

The health specialists in the country have advised people not to panic and please report by calling at 1166.

Coronavirus outbreak
Coronavirus: Outbreak at ‘decisive point’ as WHO urges action

The scientists, epidemiologists and researchers all over the world are still investigating to learn more about how this new virus has spread and the disease it is  causing. They are making rapid and significant real-time progress in understanding the nature of this novel coronavirus.


This  new disease belongs to the family of coronaviruses, got their name because of their appearance under a microscope, which is a round-shaped particle resembles a corona.


Corona virus (CoV) is a zoonotic according to WHO. This means that it has spread from animals to humans through 2019-nCoV. But now the corona virus is spreading from human to human.

The initial findings suggest an animal-to-person transmission and a limited person-to-person spread through air droplets.However, Only seven coronaviruses (including the new one) cause disease in humans.

Virus enters the body through the respiratory tract, infect trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, and lungs.


  • Runny nose
  • Headache
  • Sore throat
  • Fever
  • Night sweat and chills
  • Confusion
  • Rash
  • General feeling of discomfort
  • Diarrhoea

Considering the condition of the infected patients the symptoms are the same present with classical influenza-symptoms (including fever, cough, and some breathing-difficulties) and a mild to severe pulmonary illness such as pneumonia.


•wash hands frequently.
•wear gloves when dealing with patient’s fluids.
•wear surgical masks when in the same room with the patient.
•Elderly people with diabetic or hepatic are at high risk.
•Avoid travel to infected places.
•Avoid sharing utensils of the infected persons.
•Wash all the clothes and utensils of the infected person.
•Disinfect suspected surfaces.


  • Spreads by infected person’s sneezing, cough. Person to person.
  • Symptoms begin approximately 2 weeks days after the virus is acquired.
  • It is a severe form of pneumonia.
  • Respiratory, Heart, Liver and kidney can be failed.


Experts emphasise that since a virus causes the illness, there aren’t any treatments available, and the infection can only be allowed to run its course.

You can treat a coronavirus infection the same way you treat a cold:

  • Get plenty of rest.
  • Drink fluids.
  • Take over-the-counter medicine for a sore throat and fever.
  • A humidifier or steamy shower can also help ease a sore and scratchy throat.

Even though we see that coronavirus outbreak is raising fast but we hope that the scientists will find its cure in a short period of time because the whole world is trying its  benchmarking efforts to limit this outbreak


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Syeda Sundeela fayyaz has a masters in microbiology. She is a freelance writer, blogger and a story teller. She is working with the leading newspaper Dawn as a  freelance writer. She is in an editorial and research team of an educational magazine. Moreover, she is working with an environmental magazine and few of the  women centric magazines. She is a regular storyteller.