The kidneys are the vital organs of our body. They are extremely important because they perform some of the most important functions in our body such as;
. They are the natural filters, they help remove extra water and toxins from the blood.
. They stimulate RBC production, and control blood pressure.

It is a matter of fact that most of us take these vital organs for granted, we don’t take care of them and are not aware of what is damaging them. So is the reason that millions of people are affected by kidney disease through out the world.

There are a number of food items that are known for being the best options to provide benefits for the overall health of the kidney.
Here is a list of foods for a healthy kidney you should add to your diet.

1. Water
Water is a miracle potion. It has the power to bring you back to health. One of the primary reasons behind a bladder problem is insufficient water consumption. It is essential to have at least 8 glasses of water a day for proper elimination of wastes. Our kidneys help in the process of detoxification and hence it is important to keep them healthy.

2. Cabbage
Cabbage is a leafy vegetable that is packed with phytochemical. The antioxidants present in it help scavenge the harmful free radicals in the body.It is very beneficial to keep the kidney healthy.

3. Apples
Apples are a good source of pectin, a soluble fibre that can lower cholesterol and glucose levels.Apples help reduce bad cholesterol, heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. Since diabetes is closely related to renal failure, consuming apples can help protect you from kidney problems.

4. Onion
Onions help keep your kidneys properly functioning. They contain flavonoids and quercetin that prevent the deposition of fatty material in the blood vessels. Quercetin is an antioxidant that can reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer. Onions are kidney friendly and low in potassium.

5. Cauliflower
Cauliflower is a kidney friendly cruciferous food that is a rich source of vitamin C, folate, and fibre. It also contains compounds that are important for the liver and neutralise toxic substances in the body.

Other foods which are as good as the above mentioned ones includes, Mushrooms, Cabbage, All kinds of berries, Red grapes,Olive oil, Kale etc.

To keep your kidneys healthy avoid foods that are not good for health. You should also go for walks or run to keep your body functioning properly.

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Syeda Sundeela fayyaz has a masters in microbiology. She is a freelance writer, blogger and a story teller. She is working with the leading newspaper Dawn as a  freelance writer. She is in an editorial and research team of an educational magazine. Moreover, she is working with an environmental magazine and few of the  women centric magazines. She is a regular storyteller.